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  • Interview with 7th grade student Ayla-Lynn Pimentel on winning a contest to design an 00:57 "I Vote" Sticker Design

    Grade 7 student Ayla-Lynn Pimentel explains how she developed the design for her "I Vote" sticker which was one of six chosen to be mass produced and disseminated to residents who vote in the November 5th presidential election.

    Uploaded Oct 17, 2024 by Technology Director
  • Covid 19 update Portuguese 7:50 Protocolos de Saúde e Segurança Covid-19

    Continuando os nossos esforços para manter a nossa comunidade da GLCPS saudável e segura, seguindo as recomendações das agências locais, estaduais, e federais de saúde e educação, estamos compartilhando esta apresentação de dez minutos que esclarece as atuais medidas preventivas Covid-19 da escola

    Uploaded Jan 06, 2022
  • Covid 19 update 5:45 Respuesta de GLCPS Covid 19

    En nuestros esfuerzos continuos para mantener nuestra comunidad de GLCPS saludable y segura siguiendo las recomendaciones de las agencias de salud y educación locales, estatales y federales, compartimos esta presentación de diez minutos que aclara las medidas preventivas actuales de Covid-19 de la escuela.

    Uploaded Jan 06, 2022
  • In our ongoing efforts to keep our GLCPS community safe by following recommendations from local, state and federal health and education agencies, we are sharing this ten-minute presentation that clarifies the school’s current Covid-19 preventative measures. 9:28 GLCPS Covid-19 Response

    In our ongoing efforts to keep our GLCPS community safe by following recommendations from local, state and federal health and education agencies, we are sharing this ten-minute presentation that clarifies the school’s current Covid-19 preventative measures.

    Uploaded Jan 06, 2022
  • Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15th - October 15th

    Global Learning Charter Public School celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Thank you to GLCPS English language teacher Elizabeth Fernandes for creating this highlight reel of Latinos who have contributed so much to the world by sharing their talents, skills and gifts with the world.

    Uploaded Sep 13, 2021

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