Families » Student Services for All Learners

Student Services for All Learners

Special Education Services


The Global Learning Charter Public School special education program assists meeting the unique needs of identified students at GLCPS. Educational services, evaluation, curriculum modifications and accommodations are offered to children through individualized learning programs. Families and guardians plan with teachers, related services professionals and specialists to coordinate educational plans for particular students. We are dedicated to educating all students and believe that students with disabilities should be educated in full inclusion to the greatest extent possible within the least restrictive environment. Special education services are a continuum of services, accommodations, and/or modifications designed to meet the needs of students through the Team process. 



Director of Student Services
Special Education Staff
Grade Level Teacher/ Paraprofessional
Grade 5 Tom Goebel
Grade 6 John Pytel
Grade 7 Candice Santiago
Grade 8 Jillian Stanton
Grade 9 Matt Durant
Grade 10 Tim Goebel
Grades 11 and 12 Kim Gallardo
Reading Support Jodie Pothier
Social/Emotional Candice Santiago
newsletterSPED Newsletter


504 Plans

A 504 plan is a way for schools to provide support for students with a disability so that they can learn in a regular classroom.

The name 504 plan comes from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in programs or activities that receive federal funding (such as public schools or publicly funded private schools). This ensures that students with disabilities can get a free education that works for them.


Assistant Director of Student Services

Rachel Lambauer


Schedule a 504 Meeting HERE.




Multilingual Learners


English is a second language for 40% of our students. Educational services, evaluation, curriculum modifications and accommodations are offered to children through individualized learning programs. Families plan with teachers, related services professionals and specialists to coordinate educational plans for students. At GLCPS, students who require ML support receive direct instruction in English language development along with Sheltered English Instruction. We communicate with families in their preferred language, including written translations and oral interpretations. 

Parent Advisory Council
Global Learning Charter Public School holds monthly meetings for families of multilingual learners and learners who need accommodations, such as Special Education and 504 plans. The purpose of the meetings is to allow parents and guardians to discuss topics that will help their children succeed and thrive. The meetings serve as a platform to ask questions, and voice concerns and questions about the Special Education, English language and Section 504 programs as well as supports at GLCPS. 
Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) 
English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC)
  • Parent Driven Monthly Meetings
  • Question and answer with Special Education Director & ELE Coordinator each meeting
  • Serves as a platform to voice suggestions, questions, and concerns about the Special Education & English Learner Education programs at GLCPS
  • Provide the school and staff feedback on additional needs for SPED, ELL or FEL students.
These meetings are held once each month in the cafeteria of the GLCPS Main Campus. Please check the monthly calendar for specific dates and details of each meeting. 
All meetings run from 6-7PM. Dinner is provided. Children are welcome. 
Todas las reuniones son a las 6 hasta las 7 de la tarde. La cena está dada. Hijos son bienvenidos.

Director of Student Services:

Kristina Wade

English Language Coordinator:

Hannah Monthie

Assistant Director of Student Services

Rachel Lambauer

504 Plan Documents