Student Services » Homeless Assistance Act

Homeless Assistance Act

GLCPS is committed to ensuring that homeless youth have equal access to the same free, public quality education that is provided to other students who attend GLCPS. 
GLCPS is committed to informing homeless children and youth of their educational rights, enrolling them in school, and coordinating the services necessary to ensure their success. GLCPS will admit any homeless student who enrolls at GLCPS via the same processes as any other student, described in GLCPS Enrollment Policies.
Contact GLCPS Homelessness Liaison Mrs. Karen Leblanc, MSA, LICSW.
Transportation: Contact Mrs. Albano.

Nutrition: (all GLCPS students receive Free Breakfast/Lunch.)
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures the educational rights and protections of children and youth experiencing homelessness. 
The McKinney-Vento Act serves children and youth who lack a regular, adequate and fixed nighttime residence including: children who share housing with other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship; children living in emergency or transitional shelters; children living in motels, campgrounds, trailer parks, etc; and unaccompanied youth. 
Students in non-permanent housing have the right to:  
Enroll/Attend school, regardless of where they live (within 1
hour).  Students must be given access to the same public
education, including pre-school education, provided to other
children, and after-school and summer school programming. 

Stay in the school they attended prior to the loss of housing, or to
remain in the school they were last enrolled in, unless the
parent or unaccompanied youth chooses otherwise.  This is
called the “school of origin”.

Transportation: Contact Mrs. Albano.

Adequate nutrition: (all GLCPS students receive Free Breakfast/Lunch.)
Need Assistance? Contact GLCPS Homelessness Liaison Mrs. Karen Leblanc, MSA, LSW
Additional Resources