5th Grade Health Science

GLCPS engages 5th grade students in lessons surrounding puberty which many children in this grade are beginning to experience. The school references materials from the Always Changing And Growing Up Program.
The program will help both girls and boys:
  • Understand the physical and emotional changes they experience during puberty, and acknowledge these changes as a normal part of growth and development.
  • Learn the physiology of their bodies and correct terminology for parts of the reproductive system.
  • Understand that personal hygiene is each individual's responsibility.
  • Understand the menstrual cycle.
  • Learn about making good decisions and about using powerful words to make a positive impact. 
  • Learn how to stay healthy and confident during normal changes happening in their brains. 
  • Discuss healthy eating and staying safe. 
  • Learn how to talk to parents and trusted adults about their feelings and how to ask questions to help them better understanding what is happening while they are going through puberty so they can receive the support they need.
Please contact the GLCPS Health Office if you have any questions about these important lessons or if you do not want your child to participate in this lesson.