GLCPS Bands Deliver at Every Level

On April 29th, the Jazz band won a 2nd Place Gold medal while competing at the World Strides Jazz Festival in New York City. Saxophonist Alex Correia, a senior at GLCPS, was awarded the Maestro Award for his performance at the competition.
Don Richard is the school’s music teacher and band director. He began working at GLCPS last fall.
“This has been an awesome experience with an awesome group of people both on and off the stage,” said Richard of the competitions. “Fortunately, the music department has great community partners in the Mass Cultural Council and Bristol County Savings Bank, both of which have contributed by providing funds for instruments, along with other support to help a young music program flourish.”
The band’s year of performances and competitions hasn’t quite come to an end. They will perform locally for the GLCPS Spring Concert on May 24th, and at a fundraiser for the music department to be held on June 30th at the Whaler Inn and Suites in New Bedford.