GLCPS MCAS Scores Highest in School's History

  • Grade 8 scores matched the state average for the new MCAS 2.0 which is designed to measure college readiness!
  • GLCPS's trajectory in all other grades continues to march toward the state average!
We are proud of these MCAS results but also recognize that they are just one measure of success. Thank you for believing in our mission and our methods, which have always emphasized project-based learning, presentations of learning, and differentiated instruction. Thank  you for supporting our focus on the whole child; which includes that every student is additionally immersed in music, art, wellness and technology; and making sure every child feels welcome, safe, accepted and respected.
With your help and support, we will continue to educate the whole child and move forward to share our methods with others. We believe that, working together, all New Bedford's children will succeed!