GLCPS Announces Launch of Its Hybrid Learning Plan

Here is the full text of the letter to parents: 

"I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and patience while the School has been in the remote teaching and learning model.  We have continued to watch the number of Covid-19 cases decrease across the State and are hopeful that the cases in New Bedford also continue on that downward trend.  Therefore, I am projecting that we can begin our hybrid learning model on Monday, March 22, 2021.  What does this mean? One of the following would need to occur to begin a safe hybrid model:

  • Staff has had sufficient opportunity to receive both doses of the vaccine


  • New Bedford would need to be in the GREEN range for four consecutive weeks

            Therefore I am cautioning everyone that the projected date could change if the above criteria do not occur. 

            A very detailed letter will be sent to you next week that will provide information regarding the hybrid schedule, transportation, safety protocols and dates for town hall meetings with Mrs. Pires. At this time, we will remain remote through Tuesday, March 16.  From March 17-19 teachers and staff will receive professional development in preparation to begin hybrid teaching and learning.  On those days school will not be in session.

            The reason you are receiving this information well in advance is so you can begin to plan daycare arrangements and your own personal schedule.  Please understand that we are far from a normal return as to what our school will look like in a hybrid model. We will adhere to the CDC guidelines that include: desks 6 feet apart, no more than 13 students to a class, breakfast and lunch to be eaten in the classrooms, and bus capacities limited to 25 students so bus routes will be amended. The safety and health of students and staff remain the top priority. All classrooms will have air purifiers, Clorox wipes, and Plexiglas dividers where necessary. The building will be cleaned every night and a deep cleaning made every Wednesday and Friday. 

            We hope that the vaccine will be available in our area soon.  Meanwhile, we will all need to continue to wear masks, remain socially distant and restrict large gatherings. For the first time since March 2020, I believe we can see light at the end of the tunnel. The staff and students have remained vigilant during these difficult times.  Please know that should the start of hybrid learning change you will be quickly notified. GLCPS will return stronger than ever.  Please stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong!

Stephen J. Furtado, Ph.D